Local Flavour Boutique at Place des Arts

Local Flavour Boutique at Place des Arts

KiyomiQ felt creations will be on sale again at Place des Arts in Couitlam! There will be a big event to coincide with the Olympic there. The Olympic torch will go pass throught the area on Feb 11, 2010, too. For the details of the event please visit Place des...
Panorama Pic from Mt. Seymour

Panorama Pic from Mt. Seymour

This is a panoramic view from Mt. Seymour that I took on Saturday. Enjoy the view of “Beautiful British Columbia” or I should say “The Best Place on Earth” ? There are other pics from that day. Click here.


土曜日のスノーシューハイキング、写真の続編。 何枚か取った写真をつなぎ合わせてパノラマ写真にしてみました。 まさに”Beautiful British Columbia” の景色です。 あっ、最近は“The Best Place on Earth” っていうんでしたっけ BC州のスローガンは? 前回登校した写真はこちら。→ Click...

Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Project #3: Red Heart Trivet

It took soooooo long to draw the white lines and flowers on the trivets and I was sooooo tired when I finished them. (I am still yawning as I type this….) It was well worth it because I think they turned out pretty nice. Don’t you think so??? (I sure hope...


Posing for 2010 on Brockton Point at Mt. Seymour 日曜日の今日は、アクティビティ・バディのMさんと久し振りにスノーシューで雪山ハイキング。 お天気の山上からの景色はまさにBeautiful British Columbia ビューティフル・ブリティッシュコロンビア!で、そこで食べた、サンドイッチは最高! なんだカンダといっても、これがバンクーバーを離れられない理由なんですよねっ! Vvvvvv-Vancouver !!!...